The Business Master (4th Edition)
The Business Master - 4th Edition.iso
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Welcome to the Computer Industry Almanac. The CIA hypertext help system
allows you to select topics and move to and from related information.
Click the mouse over one of the topics below for more information, or
press TAB to select a topic then press ENTER.
User Hot keys
Keyboard Controls
Search Options
Print Options
Almanac Text Files
Almanac Database Topics
User Hot keys
When using the Computer Industry Almanac CD-ROM without a mouse you will
find using Hot-Keys to be very convienient. Hot-Keys allow you to
access a button or feature using a single key press instead of the TAB key
or scrollbar menus.
Following is a list of Hot-Keys and the area in which they are
From the Opening Menu (Pull-down menus)
ALT-F - Pulls down the FILE menu
ALT-T - Pulls down the TOPICS menu
ALT-E - Pulls down the TEXT menu
ALT-S - Pulls down the SEARCH menu
ALT-H - Loads this hypertext help file
ALT-X - Exits the program with confirmation
While Viewing a Database or Text file.
ALT-F - Allows the ALT key to access the Main Menu
ALT-S - Displays the Search Options
ALT-N - Search for the NEXT match
ALT-P - Displays the Print Options
ALT-O - Displays the Options Menu
ALT-C - Closes the currently displayed form
ALT-U - Pages UP one page
ALT-D - Pages DOWN one page
For additional information see the following related topics.
Search Options
Print Options
Options Menu
Keyboard Controls
Keyboard Controls
The Computer Industry Almanac CD-ROM utilizes an interface that is
optimized for a mouse. If you do not have a mouse you can still use
the program via Hot-Keys, the TAB key and the SPACEBAR.
User Hot Keys
The TAB Key
The TAB Key
The TAB key
When viewing a Topic database the TAB key is used to move from field
to field and from button to button. Pressing TAB moves the cursor or
hi-lite bar from the top to the bottom or from left to right. Pressing
the SHIFT-TAB combination will reverse the movements of the cursor or
hi-lite bar.
When viewing the Search or Print screen the TAB key will move the
cursor to and from each object on the screen. In the case of
Option Buttons the TAB key moves only to currently selected option.
To change options use The SPACEBAR
Option Buttons
Option Buttons
Option Buttons are used to select between multiple cholces. They look
like this:
( ) Choice 1
(*) Choice 2
( ) Choice 3
In this example Choice 2 is selected. Use The SPACEBAR to change
the selected option.
The SPACEBAR is used to select between different Option Buttons and
to toggle off and on Check Boxes.
Check Boxes
Check Boxes
Check Boxes are options that can be selected or deselected. A Check
Box look like this:
[X] Feature 1
[ ] Feature 2
[ ] Feature 3
In this example Feature 1 is switched on while Feature's 2 and 3 are
not. Use The SPACEBAR to toggle Check Boxes off and on.
Search Options
Anytime you are viewing a database or text file you can invoke the
search form by pressing ALT-S or by clicking the options button.
Search related Hot-Keys
ALT-S - Displays the Search Options form
ALT-N - Searches for the next match in a search
ALT-O - Displays the Options menu
Any hi-lited letters can be activated by pressing the ALT-(letter) key
The following topics are available on using the search feature:
Search Type
Search Buttons
Search Type
The CIA CD-ROM allows you to search the various databases and text files
using indexes (if available) or by a standard String search.
The details for the different searches follow:
Indexed field search : Most of the key fields in the Computer
Industry Almanac have indexes that allow you to
locate specific data within seconds. The indexes
are specific to the field the cursor is on when
the search is initiated. If this option is not
dimed then an index search is available. An
index search locates matches up to the number of
letters you input. For example: If you enter the
word West on a Last Name field the index would
the first West in the database. If you enter the
word Wester it would skip the name West and
locate only words that matched all of your search
String field search: When you search a field using a string search the
program will locate text matches any where within
the field the cursor is on when the search is
String search all text: When you string search all text, you will be
searching every field on the screen. Any
record that has matching text in any field
will be displayed. This can be ver handy for
finding information on specific items such as
Search Options
The search engine used by the CIA CD-ROM always searches based on
it's current position within the database or text file.
You should always bear in mind that the position within databased is
also relative to the index selected. Example: If the database was
previously searched by the last name field and the last record you
located begin with Smi (such as in Smith) a String Search beginnning
from the current position would locate only matching text that came
after the records that had Smi in the last name field. It is probably
best to start from the beginning when switching from an index to a
String Search.
Search from beginning: This causes the search to begin at the first
record in a database or the first line of a
text file. You should note that if a search
has been initiated you will need to reset this
to start a new search unless you are selecting
a new database or text file.
Srch from current pos: This options allows you to begin a search
starting from the current position in the
database or text file. This can be handy if
you have already searched a portion of a file
and do not wish to relocate previous matches.
Case insensitive srch: If this option is selected (an X appears) a
match will be made even if the case of your
search string is UPPER or LOWER or a combina-
tion of both. To find exact matches only you
should deselect this option. (Note: This
option is not effective on index searches.)
Search Buttons
Search: Clicking or pressing ENTER on this button
starts the search process.
Search next: Clicking or pressing ENTER on this button
will search for the next occurance of the
previous search string. Search next always
searches from the current position in the
database or text file.
Cancel: This option closes the search form and
returns control back to the previous form.
Help: Loads the hypertext help system starting with
this help file .
Print Options
Anytime you are viewing a database or text file you can invoke the
print form by pressing ALT-P or by clicking the options button.
Print related Hot-Keys
ALT-P - Displays the Print Options form
ALT-O - Displays the Search Options form
Any hi-lited letters can be activated by pressing the ALT-(letter)
key combinations.
The following topics are available on using the search feature:
Print Type
Print To
Print Buttons
Print Type
These options allow you to specify the format the data will be printed
in and to which printer port or disk file. The print option always
outputs standard ASCII text so it is important that the device being
printed to can support ASCII text. (Postscript printers cannot print
standard ASCII text.)
Mailing address labels: Selecting this option will print a standard
5-line mailing address label that includes the
name, address and country.
Relevant information: This option prints a selected portion of the
most relevant information for the current
Clipboard: When this option is selected any text that is
stored in the Clipboard will be printed. You
can print text to the Clipboard anytime you are
viewing a Hypertext file by choosing the Copy
Form feed after print: When this option is selected (An X appears) the
printer will form feed to the start of the next
page after printing.
Print To
This option allows you to select where printed output will be sent
including printers or disk files.
LPT1/2/3: Choosing any of these options directs output
to the selected port. These ports can be
hardware or logical network ports.
File: When this option is selected you may enter a
DOS file name to output text to. Because the
CIA CD-ROM is a read-only medium you must also
specify a HARD or FLOPPY disk drive to output
Example: To create a file on the "root" of C:
containing the output text you would enter
C:\TEXTFILE. The name TEXTFILE can be any-
thing you choose.
If file exist: The option Append will cause any text sent to
an existing output file to be appended to any
text that is already in the file
The Replace option causes any text sent to an
existing output file to replace the existing
text with the new text.
Print Buttons
Print: Clicking or pressing ENTER on this button will
initiate the printing process. After printing
has completed program control will return to
the previously displayed form.
Cancel: This option closes the Print form and
returns control back to the previous form.
Help: Loads the hypertext help system starting with
this help file .
Hot-Keys are displayed as the HI-LITED key in the caption name of any
button or menu choice. Some Hot-Keys are not displayed on screen but
are stil available.
Hot-Keys are Accessed by depressing and holding the ALT key while
pressing the hi-lited HOT-KEY. Example: ALT-F Press and hold the ALT
key then press the F key then release them both.
Options Menu
The Options Menu displays a list of available commands that can be
operated using a mouse or keyboard. Each of the commands available from
the Options Menu can be accesssed via Hot-Keys.
String Search
A String Search treats all characters as if they were text. All data
within the CIA CD-ROM is made up of text.
An example of a string search would be:
To search for the name Smith within a text file or database you would
choose to Search All Text then enter the name Smith. You could enter
the entire word or only the beginning such as Smi.
If you enter the entire word Smith the a single match would be made in
the following line of text.
Mr Smith sought to smite his not so sober neighbor.
If you entered only part of the word Smith (like Smi) two matches would
be made in the same line of text, both Smith and smite.
Almanac Text Files
The Computer Industry Almanac contains dozens of Hypertext documents
covering a multitude of computer industry related topics. These files
contain enormous amounts of statistical, historical and informational
data presented in both tables, text and graphic figures.
For detailed information on using Hypertext documents select Help from
the main menu then choose Using Hypertext.
Almanac Database Topics
The Computer Industry Almanac contains multiple databases of current
Computer Industry information. These databases cover everything from
conference dates to press agent phone numbers. Each database contains
a specific category of information.
At any time you can search any or all fields within a database using
string or index search methods. Revelant information along with
mailing address labels can be printed for any record.
For more information on using the databases click here: User Hot Keys.